Two Years Post-Chemotherapy

Many times I am still asked how Justin is doing and many times I am reminded we did not walk alone.

Thank you for that.

Justin has now completed 6th grade with good grades and a leadership award of all things. This is the same kid who hid in our closet on many school mornings, hysterical with anxiety.

Justin played intramural basketball, bravely said his lines in school concerts, went camping for the first time and scored above average on a cognitive abilities test.

We signed a mountain of paperwork listing possible side effects of chemotherapy, including physical, mental, social and emotional.

Justin experienced some in each category. But with patience, prayer and an endurance that can only be explained by the grace of God, he has struggled and fallen, struggled and persevered, struggled and conquered.

I hope our story encourages you. Keep praying. Keep pushing forward. Just keep getting up. Stay down for a while to rest but don’t quit. If someone offers to help, take the help. And when it all feels too heavy and too dark and too impossibly difficult, hold onto hope.

See I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; Do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in a wasteland.” Isaiah 43:19

If you are a parent of a childhood cancer patient in need of support, please feel free to reach out. I get it. Grace be with you.

3 thoughts on “Two Years Post-Chemotherapy

  1. Hello!
    It’s Julia (Truszkowski) years a go.
    Someone told me to follow your blog. I have been reading past blogs. My 9 yr old was just diagnosed with burkitts leukemia stage 4.
    She started chemo 3 weeks ago and is now home til next Thursday. Her chemo will all be done in the hospital. This is crazy and Def flipped our life upside down.
    I’d love to connect. 856-357-6236
    We live on nc now, my husband is in military.
    I’d love to hear


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